Sustainability Policies

Explore Pertamina's sustainability policies, outlining our commitments and strategies towards environmental, social, and governance responsibilities

In line with Pertamina's values and ethical principles to sustain our Business, Pertamina places their Sustainability Policy as a core responsibility as an integrated energy player. Pertamina sustainability policy aims to drive compliance towards stipulated regulations and create long-term value for its stakeholders through building a sustainable practice throughout Pertamina business.

This sustainability policy includes initiatives that Pertamina undertakes to better integrate its strategy and activities into Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), notably by contributing to human, environmental, economic, and social development. The strategy can foster continuity, transparency, and employee development within business organizations. The Sustainability Policy is an integral component of Pertamina Group operational excellence to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Pertamina's ambition is to be a leading and reputable Global Energy Company and to be recognized as:

Environmentally Friendly Company

A company that provides and promotes access to energy and the development of New and Renewable energy to support the national climate transition agenda, responsible for addressing climate change issues and exemplary in conducting environmental management systems related to its activities.

Societal Responsible Company

A company committed to implementing the highest standards for Health and Safety practices continuously respects and engages the surrounding community to stimulate sustainable social and economic development and promotes and upholds continuous employee development, diversity, and Human Rights principles.

Good Governance Company

A company that ensures compliance with all stipulated legal requirements in its areas of operation upholds the highest standards of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices and enforces anti-corruption and anti-fraudulent practices for all stakeholders within the company's operations.

To achieve the above, Pertamina commits to: Pertamina Management is responsible for implementing this Sustainability Policy and applying it to employees, partners, customers, and all stakeholders.

  1. Ensure national security of supply and promote access to energy throughout the nation.
  2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, non-greenhouse gas emissions, releases, waste, effluent and address the wider ollimate change issues through managing regulatory, reputational, and/or market risk of climate change by integrating it in its strategy and operations.
  3. Protect and conserve the environment, water, other natural resources, and energy through an environmental management system related to its activities that will be monitored continuously.
  4. Manage and mitigate the impact of our project & activity on biodiversity with a commitment of having "Net Positive Impact as a goal by avoiding operation in environmental highest biodiversity value, and incorporating biodiversity requirement in project planning & operation.
  5. Rehabilitate land upon site closure to restore the ecosystem, minimize negative impacts and maximize benefits, and set aside sufficient funds to cover closure and rehabilitation
  6. Implement the highest standards of Health, Safety and Environment practices to safeguard the health, safety, and security of its employee, contractor worker, communities, and consumer, as well as preparing for and respond to emergencies and prevention to major accidents throughout its workplace.
  7. Become the social development locomotive to stimulate social and economic development in communities.
  8. Consult with stakeholders on environmental issues and with the local/surrounding community on community development & community involvement issue to improve their welfare.
  9. Respect the rights of indigenous people/community where the company operates, including promoting their socio- economic development, sponsor full realization of their social, economic, and cultural rights, protect culturally sensitive areas, and avoid involuntary resettlement of indigenous people/community.
  10. Work with its partners and suppliers towards green and sustainable procurement of goods and services with an objective to ensure minimum impact on the environment.
  11. Promote the delivery of sustainable products and services to its customers.
  12. Promote continuous employee development program, equitable treatment, and diversity within its workplace.
  13. Reinforce the use of local workers and contractors to the extent compatible with operational constraints, particularly through training programs and support to Small-Micro Enterprises (SMEs) and key economic actors.
  14. Ensure compliance to all stipulated legal requirements and upholds good Corporate Governance throughout its activities.
  15. Enforce measures related to Anti-corruption and fraudulent practices within the Company.

PERTAMINA Management is responsible for implementing this Sustainability Policy and applying it to employees, partners, customers, and all stakeholders.

Sustainability Policy