SDGs Priorities and Contribution

At Pertamina, we are deeply committed to positively impacting society and the environment by aligning our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here are some of our significant contributions across various points of the 17 (seventeen) SDGs

No Topics Contributing to SDGs Activities Output and Value Created
1 Response and Mitigation to Climate Change
  • Strengthening green financing framework and green sector project developments.
  • PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina Power & New Renewable Energy, issued green bonds of USD400 million, or approximately Rp5.88 trillion (the exchange rate assumed at Rp14,706 per USD). The bonds were listed at Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
2 Energy Transition and New and Renewable Energy Developments
  • Eight pillars of energy transition are: eco-friendly refineries, bioenergy, integrated battery ecosystem, circular carbon economy, and hydrogen.
  • Changes in refinery operations for eco-friendly fuel and petrochemical products.
  • Produced and distributed B35 biodiesel; Pertamax Green 95 (bioethanol 5%).
  • Built 46 battery swapping stations.
  • Carried out carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).
  • Cooperating to build hydrogen refueling station (HRS).
3 Decarbonization and Emissions Reduction
  • Efforts and achievements of energy efficiency.
  • Efforts and achievements of emissions reduction.
  • The 2023 efficiency energy reached 38,211.4 TJ.
  • Emissions were reduced by 8.5 million tons of CO2 e of the 2010 emissions baseline based on the business-as-usual scenario
4 Water Sources Conservation
  • Reducing the use of freshwater, mainly in water stress areas
  • Restoring drainage basin (DAS) as catchment area.
  • Water use in several operating areas reduced significantly
  • DAS rehabilitation in Kendilo Production Forest of 669 hectares in Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, and in Pedamaran Restricted Production Forest Block, Ogen Komering Ilir Regency (OKI) of 250 hectares
5 Waste, Effluent, and Water Pollutant Load Management
  • Efficient waste and effluent management.
  • Preventing oil spill incidents
  • The generated hazardous and toxic (B3) waste was reduced by 421 tons and an amount of 430 tons of non-B3 waste declined.
  • 87% decrease in the 2023 oil spill incidents compared to 2022.
6 Biodiversity Protection and Conservation
  • Improving biodiversity conservation areas.
  • The 2023 conservation areas reached 51,081.56 Ha, showing an increase from 30,810.81 Ha in 2022.
  • Cooperated with Teluk Cendrawasih National Park to conserve and manage whale shark rescue; and Thousand Islands National Park for coral transplantation and releasing 200 turtle hatchlings.