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Pertamina Raih ESG Risk Rating 26,9 dari Sustainalytics, Perkuat Komitmen Keberlanjutan Menuju NZE 2060

03 Mar 2025 | Press Release
Pertamina telah menyelesaikan penilaian komprehensif oleh Morningstar Sustainalytics dan memperoleh ESG Risk Rating sebesar 26,9 untuk tahun 2024. Dengan skor ini, Pertamina tetap berada dalam kategori Medium Risk, mencerminkan ketangguhan perusahaan dalam mengelola risiko lingkungan, sosial, dan tata kelola secara berkelanjutan. Dalam laporan terbaru per Januari 2025, Pertamina berhasil menempati peringkat ke-3 dari 56 perusahaan dalam subindustri Integrated Oil & Gas serta dianugerahi predikat Industry ESG Top Rated. Pencapaian ini menegaskan komitmen Pertamina dalam terus memperkuat tata kelola keberlanjutan di seluruh lini bisnisnya.

Sebagai bagian dari strategi transisi energi, Pertamina terus mengakselerasi dekarbonisasi dengan mengoptimalkan bisnis inti (maximizing legacy business) sekaligus membangun portofolio bisnis rendah karbon yang mendukung target Net Zero Emission (NZE) 2060. Tak hanya berfokus pada aspek lingkungan, Pertamina juga berhasil mencatat capaian tinggi dalam beberapa indikator ESG rating, termasuk penguatan cyber security dan data privacy, sebagai bentuk perlindungan terhadap sistem digital dan informasi pelanggan. Selain itu, Pertamina juga meraih capaian tinggi pada indikator perlindungan hak asasi manusia (human rights), penguatan hubungan dengan komunitas (community relations), serta konservasi keanekaragaman hayati (biodiversity) di wilayah operasionalnya. Inisiatif ini selaras dengan 10 fokus keberlanjutan perusahaan yang bertujuan menciptakan dampak positif bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat.

Dengan pencapaian ini, Pertamina berkomitmen untuk terus meningkatkan kinerja keberlanjutan dan mempercepat transformasi menuju masa depan energi yang lebih hijau, berdaya saing, dan berkelanjutan.

Sustainability Transcendence Forum #4: Kolaborasi untuk Masa Depan Air dan Energi Berkelanjutan

13 Feb 2025 | Press Release
Jakarta, 13 Februari 2025 – Sustainability Transcendence Forum Series #4 mempertemukan para pakar global dan pemimpin-pemimpin Pertamina untuk membahas dua topik krusial, yaitu Global Energy & Sustainability Outlook dan Global Water Agenda, dengan menekankan pentingnya solusi terintegrasi dalam menghadapi tantangan iklim dan pengelolaan sumber daya.

Sesi diskusi pembicara Sue-Ern Tan dan Michael Waldron dari International Energy Agency (IEA) menyoroti tren energi global serta posisi Asia Tenggara sebagai pemain kunci dalam mencapai target Net Zero Emissions (NZE). Diskusi ini juga membahas peran energi baru dan terbarukan, seperti panas bumi, serta pentingnya teknologi CCS/CCUS dalam upaya dekarbonisasi.

Sementara itu, Retno Marsudi, Menteri Luar Negeri Indonesia periode 2014–2024, menekankan urgensi manajemen air yang berkelanjutan, termasuk konservasi air, dan kerja sama multisektor agar ketersediaan air dapat mendukung kesejahteraan sosial dan pembangunan di Indonesia. Sesi ini juga menyoroti keterkaitan antara air dan energi, di mana Pertamina didorong untuk berperan aktif dengan menerapkan pengelolaan air yang lebih maju dalam operasionalnya.

Acara ini juga merayakan Pertamina Sustainability Awards, yang diberikan kepada Subholding dan Anak Perusahaan yang menunjukkan upaya luar biasa dalam mendorong dekarbonisasi dan meningkatkan rating ESG Pertamina sepanjang tahun 2024. Penghargaan ini menegaskan komitmen Pertamina dan Indonesia terhadap masa depan energi yang lebih hijau dan bertanggung jawab, serta memperkuat posisi kawasan sebagai pemimpin dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan

Unlocking the Potential of Used Cooking Oil: Indonesia's Path to Sustainable Aviation Fuel

17 Nov 2024 | Press Release
Baku, 16 November 2024 – At the Indonesia Pavilion during COP29 in Baku, PT Pertamina (Persero) hosted a talk show titled “Enhancing Ambition in Renewable Energy in Indonesia: Focusing on Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and its Potential for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)”. The session, which was moderated by  A.A.A. Indira Pratyaksa, Vice President Sustainability Program, Rating & Engagement, brought together key industry leaders to discuss Indonesia's strategies to reduce aviation emissions and support its broader energy transition goals.

Emma Fenton, Senior Director of Climate Diplomacy at Opportunity Green, kicked off the discussion by stressing the urgency for the aviation sector to reduce its carbon footprint. Emma pointed out that aviation currently accounts for 3% of global CO2 emissions, a figure that could increase to 22% by 2050 if not addressed. Emma also emphasized that the key to decarbonization lies in Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), particularly feedstocks like Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and green hydrogen, which hold the greatest promise for transforming the industry.

Following up on Emma’s points, Nizhar Marizi, Director of Energy at Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), discussed Indonesia’s plans to increase UCO utilization in SAF production, aligning with national climate and energy goals. He acknowledged, however, that challenges such as competition from exports and limited domestic feedstock could hinder progress. Addressing these barriers, he highlighted the importance of improving collection systems, processing infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks—steps that resonate with Emma’s earlier call for a robust approach to decarbonization.

Expanding on these challenges, Oki Muraza, Senior Vice President of Technology Innovation at PT Pertamina (Persero), further emphasized the challenges and opportunities related to UCO in Indonesia. Despite the country’s annual UCO collection capacity of 3.18 million kiloliters, most remains uncollected or diverted to other uses. Oki underscored the need for strengthened supply chains and quality standards, introducing Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) technology as a promising method to convert UCO into SAF. His points echoed Nizhar’s emphasis on infrastructure while reinforcing the technological dimension of the solution.

Riva Siahaan, CEO of Pertamina Patra Niaga, then shared the company’s commitment in building an end-to-end UCO-to-SAF supply chain. Leveraging the company’s vast infrastructure, he described efforts to improve UCO collection, ensure compliance with international standards, and establish global partnerships. He noted a significant milestone: the certified delivery of UCO-based SAF to Bali Airport, which exemplifies Indonesia’s progress in aviation decarbonization and ties back to the broader themes of innovation and collaboration raised throughout the session.

Despite challenges in UCO collection infrastructure and regulations, Indonesia still has a huge potential for a more effective SAF production. By improving collection methods, policies, and technology, the country can make significant progress, meeting climate goals and creating economic opportunities. SAF presents a promising solution for reducing emissions and advancing Indonesia’s energy transition.

Pertamina Leads National and International Collaboration to Reduce Methane Emissions in Indonesia

15 Nov 2024 | Press Release
Baku, 14 November 2024 – PT Pertamina (Persero) is taking strategic steps to reduce emissions, including by cutting methane gas emissions across its entire operations. Salyadi Dariah Saputra, the Director of Strategy, Portfolio, and Business Development at Pertamina, explained that reducing methane emissions is part of Pertamina’s sustainability focus on addressing climate change.

“Pertamina is determined to become a leading energy company known for its environmental concern, social responsibility, and strong governance. We’ve made significant progress in managing methane emissions to align with our sustainability goals,” Salyadi said during a panel session at COP29 on Thursday, November 14, 2024, moderated by Suripno, Vice President Sustainability Strategy. Pertamina’s efforts to cut methane emissions include its support for the Zero Routine Flaring Initiative (ZRF), committing to eliminate routine gas flaring by 2030. The company also aims to reduce methane emissions by 40% from its 2021 baseline.

Recognizing the importance of collaboration to achieve these goals, Pertamina is working with major international organizations, including JOGMEC (Japan Oil, Gas, and Metals Corporation) and ASEAN Oil and Gas Council members. Partnerships with USAID and technology providers like Honeywell have enhanced efforts to monitor and reduce methane emissions. Additionally, Pertamina collaborates with Petronas and PTTEP in the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership 2.0 (OGMP2.0) and the Methane Leadership Program. Joint studies with JOGMEC at the Donggi Matindok and JOB Tomori fields focus on precise measurement, reporting, and reduction of flaring.

“To achieve meaningful and sustainable results, we must work together with governments and the global community,” Salyadi emphasized.

Heather Evans, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing at the U.S. Department of Commerce, highlighted the importance of cross-border collaboration, noting the U.S. commitment to sharing methane reduction technology.

“We encourage the adoption of methane emission reduction technologies as industry best practices, not just regulatory requirements. U.S. companies offer innovative solutions for methane emission monitoring, and we are ready to support international partners in their methane reduction efforts,” she said.

Yulia Suryanti, Director of Climate Change Mitigation at Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment, reaffirmed the Indonesian government's commitment to achieving its enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target by 2030.

“Indonesia has implemented a carbon pricing policy to support our NDC target, with the goal of reducing emissions by 21.89% by 2030. We are balancing economic, social, and ecological resilience in our development path to ensure harmony between profit, public welfare, and environmental sustainability,” she explained.

Through collaboration, innovative technology, and commitment to shared goals, Pertamina and its partners demonstrate the power of collective action in reducing methane emissions and protecting the climate for a sustainable future.

Driving Indonesia’s Energy Transition: Expert Insights

14 Nov 2024 | Press Release
Baku, 13 November, 2024 –  At the Indonesia Pavilion of COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Pertamina hosted  a talk show, titled “Driving the Renewable Revolution: Renewable Energy Ambition” that brought together leading experts to explore pathways for accelerating Indonesia’s energy transition. The discussion, which was moderated by Ghaisani Nabila, the Manager of Sustainability Engagement & Culture, highlighted the challenges of moving away from a fossil fuel-dominated energy industry and the solutions required to build a sustainable future.

Indonesia’s current energy mix relies heavily on coal, which generates 61% of the country’s electricity. Eddy Soeparno, a keynote speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly, acknowledged this dependence and highlighted the nation’s untapped renewable energy potential of 3,700 GW. He called for urgent reforms in regulation, investments in technology, and financing solutions to support renewable energy development. Workforce re-skilling would also be crucial to meet the demands of emerging green industries. To achieve these goals, he stressed the need for collaboration among government, private sectors, and international partners.

Building on this vision, Eniya Listiani Dewi (Director General of New, Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation, MEMR Indonesia) outlined Indonesia’s roadmap to achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2060—or earlier. She emphasized the diversification of energy mix with biofuels, geothermal, solar, nuclear, and hydrogen energy. She also underscored the importance of a multi-stakeholder approach involving government, industry, academia, and civil society. This collaborative model, she noted, is essential for creating a resilient energy ecosystem that aligns national priorities with global climate commitments.

The economic case for renewables was made clear by Maurice Bermudez Neubauer, the Managing Director of Accenture Strategy & Consulting, who pointed out that solar power is already the cheapest energy source in many regions. He emphasized the role of carbon pricing, regulatory quotas, and corporate carbon goals in driving renewable adoption. Technology, particularly AI-driven optimization, can enhance the efficiency of renewable energy systems. He also highlighted the pivotal role of public-private partnerships in addressing financial and infrastructure barriers, fostering innovation, and scaling up renewable energy projects.

As a key player in Indonesia’s energy transition, Pertamina also presented its strategies through John Anis (CEO Pertamina New & Renewable Energy), where he outlined the company’s dual focus: optimizing traditional energy resources while scaling up renewable initiatives such as geothermal, hydrogen, and bioethanol. Efforts in carbon capture and the development of EV battery ecosystems are also central to Pertamina’s commitment to achieving Indonesia’s 2060 Net Zero target. Collaborating with local and international partners, Pertamina aims to position itself as a leader in sustainable energy development.

The session at COP29 highlighted Indonesia’s determination to transform its energy sector. By leveraging innovation, fostering partnerships, and making strategic investments, the nation is paving the way toward a resilient and sustainable energy future.Top of Form

Pertamina Endorses Zero Routine Flaring Initiative at COP29

12 Nov 2024 | Press Release
Baku,11 November 2024 – PT Pertamina (Persero) has officially endorsed the Zero Routine Flaring (ZRF) Initiative, committing to eliminate routine gas flaring by 2030. The announcement was made during a side event at the COP29 Indonesia Pavilion, attended by Julfi Hadi, CEO of Pertamina Geothermal Energy, and Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director for the Energy and Extractives Global Department at the World Bank.

At the event, both representatives were presented with ceremonial plaques in recognition of their commitment to reducing methane emissions and advancing global climate goals. Pertamina’s endorsement of the ZRF initiative aligns with its broader sustainability strategy, which includes a target to reduce methane emissions by 40% from its 2021 baseline.

As a leader in methane reduction efforts in Indonesia, Pertamina is taking bold steps toward its goal of zero routine flaring by 2030. This commitment is supported through global partnerships with organizations like JOGMEC, USAID, and the ASEAN Petroleum Council, as well as the adoption of advanced technologies. Pertamina emphasizes the importance of joint action, innovative solutions, and strong governance to drive progress and support both national and global climate targets.

The endorsement further underscores Pertamina’s active role in tackling climate change through collaboration with international organizations and energy sector leaders, highlighting the company’s dedication to sustainability and environmental stewardship.