ESG Achievements and Ratings

Discover Pertamina's achievements and ratings in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). Learn about our progress and recognition in sustainability efforts

*Disclaimer: The lower score is better


Pertamina was assessed by the ESG Rating agency Sustainalytics in 2024 by getting an ESG Risk Rating of 26.9 or Medium Risk. With this score, Pertamina succeeded in occupying 3rd position out of 56 Integrated Oil & Gas Sub-Industries


Water Security

Climate Change


Pertamina has been actively participating in data disclosure through CDP for Water Security and Climate Change. This proactive involvement demonstrates Pertamina's strong commitment to environmental management.


In 2024, Pertamina successfully achieved a BB rating from MSCI, marking a significant improvement from its previous rating of B. This advancement reflects the company's efforts in managing sustainability-related risks and opportunities, as well as its strong commitment to responsible business practices.

ESG Awards

34 PROPER Emas
76 PROPER Hijau
46 PROPER Biru
Green Leadership Utama
Best of The Best Sustainability Pemenang 1, Internal Communication Implementations; Pemenang 3, Social Media Campaign; Pemenang 3, Best Exposure of The Year
ASEAN Energy Award 2023
Pendukung Program Kampung Iklim (ProKlim) 2023 kategori instansi
Keselamatan Migas dan Pemanfaatan Gas Suar pada Kegiatan Usaha Migas; serta Pengembangan Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia Sektor Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Economic Development Initiatives Category - Economic Development Initiatives, Social Development Initiatives, dan Environmental Development Initiatives.
Global Innovation Award 2023
Gold : ’in accordance"
Sustainability Reporting Award :“Silver Class of 2023” - “Best Practice Award: Great Practice Award of 2023”